Tradeshows Can Significantly Boost Your Next Marketing Campaign

Trade show exhibits can help boost your campaign. Marketing executive, Judy Caroll, states that “99% of marketers said they found unique value from trade shows they did not get from other marketing mediums.” This article discusses three highly-effective techniques businesses should use to connect with customers and market their brand.

Creative Presentation

If your goal is to present to an audience that your product is the best in the biz, then your trade show booth needs to reinforce the message. There are many ways your space can engage a variety of audiences, however, it’s important to choose the right methods that help translate your product or service to customers. For instance, if your company is selling a video game, having a demo for customers to try is highly effective. CEO of ePromos Promotional Products, Jason Robbins, discusses the importance of first impressions and the long-term relationship between business and customer. Robbins outlines the following design features that help trade show displays convey creativity.


Trade show booths are the perfect opportunity to network your brand. Creative and useful giveaways that feature your logo, not only offer incentive but also carry your brand beyond the doors of the exhibit. Cathy Houston of Delta Marketing Group, states that 2017 recommends higher-quality giveaway ideas including:

  • Smart Wallet – The perfect mobile accessory that helps store money cards, government identification cards, and bills.
  • Lip Balm – Why not pair a giveaway with a well-known, useful product that your customers will most likely appreciate.
  • Petite Loop – Houston boosts this mini product is an attention grabber as it’s fairly new on the trade show giveaway shelf. The ribbon, that will feature your logo, rests in between your phone and phone case and wraps around your wrist.


Engagement is dependent on how your booth staff interacts with prospective customers, and also on how your trade show booth communicates. CEO, Jason Robbins, suggests dismissing time wasters and nurturing qualified leads. He stresses the importance of a company’s readiness to capture leads, while incorporating product demonstration in the experience. Amy Benes, marketing manager at Nimlok, discusses emerging trade show trends that support and drive engagement. Some of the key ways trade show exhibits are becoming consumer magnets include:

  • Virtual Reality – An interactive method of connecting consumers with your products/brands.
  • Digital Games – In addition to contests and games, trade sales and design consultants profess that digital games can “collect lead information”, says Benes. A win-win for both engagement and lead generation.

Trade Show Exhibits are a fantastic platform for your business. Exhibit Express offers an exclusive variety of portable trade show products to help take your campaign to the next level. Through the use of creative presentations and trade show displays, high-quality giveaways, and trending engagement techniques, your brand is guaranteed to grow.